Author: Rosa García-Ruiz – Translation: Erika-Lucia Gonzalez-Carrion
Writing a good scientific article requires a deep review both of its content as well of its format and style. At the same time as we adapt it to the normative of the magazine selected, as saw in the previous entry of the School of Authors of Comunicar, it is fundamental to carry out a check by internal peers.
Working in the scientific community requires the work in peer teams, colleagues of our same category and professional experience that support us in the final review of the manuscript. This guarantees the team works in a scientific community that, far from being restricted, is reinforced with the uninterested collaboration in this labor, in which researchers help to each other.
The scientific journals of greatest impact, as “Comunicar”, offer to the authors, not only the recommendations to guarantee the overcoming of the revisions by blind peers, but they also set to disposition of reviewers and authors the files that include the criteria of evaluation of manuscripts, as rigidity guarantee, transparency and scientific quality.
Therefore, it is not a review of the format, which can be done with a checklist or protocol of shipment, as we will discuss in upcoming posts, but a prior check to shipping to the OJS platform of the magazine, in which it is valued the work as a whole, this is:
- Highlight: relevant, original and innovative contributions of the work
- Adaptation of the theoretical framework
- Abstract structure
- Currently and relevance of the references
- Scientific style of the text
- Evidence of the contribution of the manuscript to the state of the art.
- Progress shown in the results and conclusions
- Contributions to the conclusions
- Followed methodological rigidity
In summary, it is of having colleagues of our theme, being them of our institution or from any other part of the world, comparable to the authors in professional category, index of impact (h), experience in the investigation of the subject, etc., who carefully read our work and appreciate it rigorously, knowing that it’s a team work which benefits us all, in a way that also we will carry out this important prior checking of scientific productions, as a guarantee for an excellent job.