Author: Patricia de-Casas-Moreno – Translation: Erika-Lucia Gonzalez-Carrion
Everybody engaged in research and academia should distinguish their research activities from those of other peers with similar names. Visibility in this context is very important through workflows, study profiles, manuscript presentations, among others. In this sense, ORCID emerges, an open, non-profit and community-based system, which offers a unique registry for researchers through the Network.

This platform is characterized by the possibility of connecting multiple scholars through key workflows, thanks to the maintenance of profiles. The ORCID has two basic functions: on the one hand, it allows the registration to obtain an identifier for the user who requires it, and thus manage the registration of their activities; and on the other hand, the application programming interface (API) allows the communication and authentication of the system.
The code generated by this tool is available under an open source license, offering a public data file (CC0 license) to be downloaded annually for free.
The records contain information such as name, e-mail, organization and research activities. Among the benefits of obtaining this identifier are:
- Assure researchers of the association of their work with their authorship.
- Decrease the time to identify and publish their work.
- Allowing the institution, funding agencies and publishers to track their scientific production and academic work.
- Reusing and integrating their data in the generation of CVs, institutional repositories, citation repositories, etc.
Connecting researchers with other peers and academic profiles.

For more information and registration of the system, you can access the following link: