Author: Ignacio Aguaded – Translation: Erika-Lucia Gonzalez-Carrion

CiteScore is a recent Scopus metric that measures the relation of citations per article published in the database of this important global indexer that contains 25,300 journals of all specialities. It offers, therefore, key information to the authors to be able to compare and evaluate scientific journals according to their impact factor, called here CiteScore, which is based on the division of the number of citations received among the number of articles published. CiteScore calculates the citations of all the documents of a specific year in all the documents published in the previous three years. That number is divided by the number of documents indexed in Scopus ( published in those same years. It is a very transparent index of citations because it offers links to both the articles published and the citations received.


CiteScore (, together with Scimago Journal Rank (, are the two indexes for measuring citations of the Scopus database, using differentiated parameters that generate different indices: SJR (Scimago) and CiteScore (Scopus directly).


This portal also offers the advantage of monthly updating the information of the journal through the CiteScore Tracker with what we can see the trend (positive or negative) of that publication for its subsequent annual index.

citescore-03CiteScore also offers the information in percentiles, surpassing the classic quartiles (Q1, Q2 …) that generate a very basic information and with that discrimination. The percentiles allow us to know the exact percentage where the publication is positioned within their specialty; thus the 99 percentile indicates that the magazine is in the best 1% of the base.

Finally, the CiteScore Rank is also offered, which makes it possible to easily visualize the journal classified in positioning compared to the others of its specialty.

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