Author: Rosa García-Ruiz – Translation: Erika-Lucia Gonzalez-Carrion

The quality of a good scientific article is recognized, in the majority of cases, by the place in which it has been published, and in this sense, researchers work tirelessly to achieve a position in the best journals, which will ensure the visibility and the international impact of their work, and of course, the recognition of the scientific community.


But in addition to the diffusion of science in the most prestigious journals, there are other possibilities of broadcasting, equally valuable, that make the best investigations get to unsuspected limits.

In this occasion, the group Comunicar, wants to give a special recognition to a work published in the Comunicar magazine, for the sequels that has had, and that undoubtedly will continue. It is an example to be followed in this common interest for transferring the walls of the academy and to reach a wider audience, taking advantage of the possibilities offered by the Internet.

In January 2016, it was published the excellent work of Dueñas, Pontón, Belzutegui and Pastor, titled “Discriminatory expressions, the young and social networks: the effect of gender“, in English, and Spanish versions in addition to the abstract in Portuguese and Chinese. As with every article, “Comunicar” carries out a work of exhaustive diffusion through its website, Blog, in addition to databases, social networks, repositories, mailings, and many other channels that ensure the visibility of each work and seek to generate cites and impact.

Shortly after the publication of the article, the authors receive the call from the Agency SINC expressing their interest in the publication and asking to write an article in Spanish and English on the same. It was titled “The discrimination in Facebook is a matter of gender” and the media impact of the same exceeds the expectations of the authors and editors.

The echo and the impact of the work become known beyond the Spanish borders thanks to digital media, whose scope, collected in 10 months of life of the manuscript can be seen here:

1) Diffusion on Spanish media:

El País:

Diario Público:

Diari de Tarragona:

El Mundo:

Radio Exterior de España:

La Razón:

Europa Press:

Levante – EMD:

La Voz de Galicia:

Diario de Mallorca:


Nueva Mujer:

Sociológica Tres:

Animal Político::

Márketing Directo:

El Librepensador:

Portal da Ciencia Galega:

2) Diffusion on foreign media

Science Daily:


Daily Mail:

Der Standart:


Mundo Contact:

Archy World News:


Caras y Caretas:

24 Horas:


News: Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday:

The Student Room:

Sciences Newsline:


Alpha Galileo:

Geek Journal:



Check The Science:


There is no doubt that the diffusion of the work does not end here, but the sequels can continue generating impact thanks also to its diffusion through Facebook and Twitter, which track is almost impossible to follow.

This is a good example of visibility of an academic work and deserves all our recognition. But we cannot lose view that the work of diffusion of a scientific article should continue, and in this sense “Comunicar” offers its support to the authors to get the maximum impact and the generation of cites also in the indexed magazines in the more prestigious databases in the field of the scientific research: Wos, Scopus, Scholar, Crosref , Recyt, Erihplus…

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